Awareness Through Movement or 'ATM'
Is the general name given to Feldenkrais classes and workshops, and describes essentially a verbally guided exploration of a sequence of movements which usually last about an hour but can be as short as a few minutes.
Each sequence has a focus, of either a particular body part, say 'shoulders', or movement theme, say 'turning'. There are a virtually infinite number. Most lessons take place laying on the floor, most often on the back, sometimes on the side or laying on the front. Some are taught in sitting or standing.
The experience is like solving a physical riddle: simple movements are repeated many times with an intention to explore. Most important is the process of observing the sensory experience and noticing the feeling of the movement, aiming for a smooth and light quality of each movement, and with the intention of increasing the smoothness, lightness - effortlessness - rather than speed or strength or quantity, as might be more usual in an exercise class.
The reason for the methodology is that learning to explore the world of internal sensation gently and respectfully creates an environment where long held patterns of tension and pain can dissolve and release.
What often then follows is an arising or remembering of a natural and healthy curiosity. This serves
to offer continued improvement - initially in mobility and subsequently on all levels, including in thought processing and also on emotional levels.
Classes and workshops are designed to provide the most effective somatic learning environment for students.
What do we do in a class or workshop?
You will be verbally guided through gentle movement sequences which are usually carried out lying down, on the back, side or front (less often). Feldenkrais ATM lessons also can be in Sitting or Standing but for Weekly Classes especially we mainly use the laying down ones - When you come to a workshop you may find yourself working not only laying down but also in the upright positions. So - you should be able to lie comfortably on the floor and get up/down by yourself.
Doing 'ATM' classes is like learning anything new - Improvement comes to those who practice regularly!
So taking a block of classes is recommended - but you can always take just one, without obligation, to give it a try.
Groups are generally 6-12 people, we learn from eachother.
Classes are aimed at maintaining and improving mobility and functioning in healthy people.
If you are lookinng for help with pain, a movement limitation, or an injury you should come for 1-1 Functional Integration.
Depending on severity and how long you've had it, you may then progress on to ATM classes/workshops.
If this is hard for you financially, please think of it as an investment - you have only one body that must last you a lifetime. Think of all the ways your physical situation limits your life. Dr Feldenkrais' Method is about helping you live your unavowed dreams.
The students who heal fastest are those who come for both 1-1 FI and ATM - so you could think of it as making the biggest investment first. Talk to us about discounts we offer. We are here to help.
Feldenkrais approaches movement organically. ATM classes rely on and are enriched by the group field - the 'knowing field'.
Learning takes place just as it did when we were small children - through experimentation and through kinaesthetic learning. This is why booking a block is reccommended. We are there for eachother's growth and improvement - and of course, you are responsible for classes you miss.
You will need: a mat and a blanket, & plenty of loose warm clothes - especially in cooler weather - generally as you tune in to yourself, if you didn't bring enough clothes and are cold, it is the thing you will be most aware and will interrupt your enjoyment of the class, so include extra socks and even gloves so that you can lie and relax yet be free to move.
Note: If you have persistent chronic pain/injury it is recommended that you come for Functional Integration individual sessions (FI) first. You will then later enjoy your course far more. If you are unsure please do make contact>.
Free Sample ATM Lessons
are on different topics focusing around a particular movement theme or body part, are a great way to go if you can not manage a weekly class. They also offer a dive deeper into particular long-standing issues, or can serve to help you decide if you might like to join a course or take one-to-ones. In a workshop, we spend some time working on the floor laying down, and sometimes we also explore lessons in both sitting and standing. You will not therefore spend many many hours laying on your back on the floor! But - If you have chronic pain/injury you should book at least one individual session (FI) first..
Feldenkrais is holistic, and works always with the whole person. Every workshop or class addresses the whole, so ultimately the actual topic of a workshop matters less than it might seem. Do just try -
come to the ones you can!
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"I do practice a few moves learnt in classes with you that stay firmly embedded in my body memory. Thankyou! They help considerably in lowering stress levels". Rosie
"Your online lessons really work for me. As you said, most of the time we have our eyes shut anyway so they really lend themselves to this remote teaching situation. You have a very steady and relaxing voice that talk us through the movements, without any feeling of “will I be able to?” -, which is so important for someone like me who’s always trying to stretch myself a bit more than I need to. And being on zoom, it’s lovely to see everyone at the beginning and end of the lesson. All that’s missing is the hugs, but that’s not a great idea at the moment, so that’s fine (-:" Muriel S
" I've been amazed that making such small movements can have such a dramatic effect. I have lost feelings of tension or imbalance and have increased my awareness - I am also able to question my habits in everyday life, to see if I can carry out movements in a less effortful way." Sue K
"I carry a lot of tension in my lower back and often the area gets so tight that it feels as though the muscles have been knitted together, after one afternoon workshop on exercises to free the chest, I woke the next morning with no muscular tension in my back, when the tension started to return after three weeks, I simply repeated the exercises you taught me. You also helped me to be more aware of when I do tense up those muscles, so I can relax them. A fantastic result, thank you!". Jane S
"The best thing about the workshops I do with you is feeling that my bones are related to my muscles and that I have a choice of how I use them!" Muriel
Lifeworks Somatics